The Wildlife Resources Commission, LJEA, Lake James Area Wildlife Society, Trout Unlimited and others are active partners in sustaining and improving the watershed’s fisheries. Monitoring and advocating for water quality restoration, stream bank stabilization, and aquatic habitat improvement, as well as educating residents and visitors are important, ongoing actions. Teaching people about the harmful impacts of invasive species is important to sustaining and restoring the ecological health of the watershed and its aquatic species.

In Lake James, there are several methods that have been tested and implemented, including:
Habitat Attractor Enhancements such as Honey Hole Trees, rock reefs, and gravel bars are fish supporting structures for young fish protection from invasive fish species.

A artificial rock reef with a gravel bed on top can provide support for fish spawning and a refuge habitat for fry and juvenile fish.

Since 1973 the Lake James Environmental Association has been working to protect and restore the beauty and ecological health of the watershed. One of the reasons for preparing this section of our Watershed Assessment report was to obtain an overview of our watershed’s fishery and its health and sustainability. As we prepare LJEA for its actions over the coming years, the health of our streams and the Lake, the health of our fish and other aquatic species, and the ability of the watershed to support and enhance the lives and livelihoods of future generations will guide our actions.