Join us for the 4th Annual Lake James Watershed Symposium

Wilderness Watershed Adventure: Exploring Environmental Science

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Wilderness Watershed Adventure

(Formerly Multi-generational Environmental Science Field Experience (MEFE))

A week-long immersive, intergenerational camping experience for high school students in the Lake James Watershed

Summer 2025 Dates TBD

This is a FREE ($50 refundable deposit required upon acceptance) environmental science and outdoor adventure program for high school students (age 15-19). Students will spend 5 days and 4 nights together studying watershed and riverine science, riparian health, lake ecology, and shoreline habitat and management in the Lake James Watershed. Led by adults in the environmental field and college student mentors, participants will work in intergenerational teams to collect, analyze, and summarize environmental data from Lake James and the Linville River.

For a list of potential activities and a sample itinerary click here: Wilderness Watershed Adventure

Contact [email protected] with any questions!

Program Partners:

Montreat College

Foothills Conservancy of NC

Catawba Riverkeeper

Lake James State Park

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